Yost's bent for writing emerged in the late 1980s, initially penning short stories, publishing poetry, then one-act stage plays and even a few screenplays for television.
Taking a more traditional corporate path after university, Yost quickly put those writing skills to work producing business and technical guides, developing copy for marketing collateral, press releases, and later ghost-writing executive communications and speeches. In addition to serving as Executive Editor for two national publications, ML Yost also authored a monthly column of management and leadership articles (Managing Management) in a national professional association magazine with a readership of more than 23,000. Hailed as "top rated content" for emerging managers and future business leaders, many Managing Management articles have been reprinted in other national publications, quoted by world-wide media, referenced in online law libraries, used as policy and training resources by city municipals, and referenced in university ethics research journals.
In 2020, standing at the intersection of "passion for writing" and "history/genealogy hobbyist" (with a bent for military history), Yost took a bold step toward a new vocation—novelist of journalistic/historical-fiction.
To learn more, visit ML Yost's official author site (www.authormlyost.com) or click the navigational tab above.
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